Our handcrafted log construction utilizes the benefits of the shrink fit saddle notch and the double scribe lateral groove. We use large green cut diameter lodgepole pine logs in the 16 - 18 inch range. We have been building homes with this method since 2000. We know from years of experience that the system works.
The shrink fit saddle notch utilizes the logs natural tendency to shrink in diameter. As the log shrinks, the notch tightens up over time.
The scribed notch is ruff cut with the chainsaw 1/8th inch from the line. The notch is then finished off by hand with a carver's ax taking the wood right down to the scribe line.
Photo showing what the log wall looks like in a window or door opening. The lateral groove is called the double scribe lateral groove. Each log is custom scribed to fit exactly to the log below. This means that any given log can only fit in one place in the wall. Each log is labled to it's exact location before the log shell is torn down before shipping. The gasket and insulation are installed in the logs on re-assembly of the shell at the owner's site.
Photo showing a handcrafted log shell under construction here in our yard near Cochrane, Alberta. Here the log builder is cutting the saddle scarf with the saw. After sanding the scarf, the log is then ready to be scribed to fit perfectly to the log below.